Here’s more in the continuing "Year in Review" series.  The inset photo is of the Senator Thad Cochran United States Bankruptcy Court in Aberdeen, Mississippi (pictures and story here), a 47,000 square foot complex that is home to the Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Mississippi, where Bankruptcy Judges Houston and Olack sit.  Last year there were 6,101 total bankruptcy filings in the Northern District of Mississippi.  By way of comparison, the Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois–which could probably fit in the lobby of this mammoth structure–had the most filings at 59,093.  Talk about influence! Continue Reading Bankruptcy Tweets of 2011-2012 Cases – A Year in Review – V.9

Here’s more in the continuing "Year in Review" series.  Catching up after the long Jewish holiday season.  The inset photo is of the Garmatz Federal Courthouse (story here), home to the Bankruptcy Court for the District of Maryland in Baltimore, where Bankruptcy Judges Alquist, Derby, Gordon, Rice, and Schneider sit.Continue Reading Bankruptcy Tweets of 2011-2012 Cases – A Year in Review – V.8

Here’s more in the continuing "Year in Review" series, catching up on more of my backlog of twitter posts of case developments in the past 12 months.

Each post in this Year in Review series features a different federal courthouse in each state of the Union. The inset photo is of the US Courthouse for the Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of California in Oakland, California, which is home to Bankruptcy JudgesEfremskyHammond, and Lafferty.

Continue Reading Bankruptcy Tweets of 2011-2012 Cases – A Year in Review – V.6